Picture of the Day for 01-13-2004
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I know of exactly one person in the world that kisses these lips on the mouth. And it ain't me!!!!!
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Scorpio Good Idea. Jan 13th 2004 09:10:06 PM
Beth See I try that with Glenn, but he just nags at you until you pay attention to him. Just like a child. Jan 13th 2004 10:09:49 AM
kimberly the best way to shut aaron down is to ignore him. he thrives on attention. so the fewer comments the better. Jan 13th 2004 09:33:15 AM
Anne That is just wrong. Sorry girl. Jan 13th 2004 08:33:41 AM
cat In his defense, it is not chew. Probably just crap in his teeth. I still have smoke coming out of my ears though. Jan 13th 2004 08:19:14 AM
Beth Is that chew on his tooth? Eeeewwww....I think we should take all of our men in for the extreme makeovers.... Jan 13th 2004 07:47:13 AM
The Traweek Thanks buddy... Jan 13th 2004 07:45:42 AM
cat Someone's going to have to die for this one. And I believe that it will have to be you, Aaron. Ladies, I am going to need a lot of hormonal support on this one. Jan 13th 2004 07:43:10 AM
Admin So that's how you would get attention. You do it by nagging. Or maybe by operating a really cool website. Jan 14th 2004 04:20:13 AM
Bubby Lani Just saw this picture today, OY!!! is all I can say. Aaron, your friends are going to go on strike against you. Jan 14th 2004 06:22:39 AM