Picture of the Day for 01-15-2004
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Let the glorious triumverate of husband material complete. Here is a picture of my now forming bald spot. The only person who can not laugh at this is my future son as he will be carrying this trait with him as well. I also have two notes of interest today. One, congratulations to TJ and her new baby girl. Secondly, in bowling last night I took a perfect game into the tenth frame for the first time ever. I choked on the next shot but my score looked like this - X X X X X X X X X 7/7 for a total of 275. Next time I get the ring.
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anne I can't stop staring......... Jan 15th 2004 06:08:53 AM
Beth Balding is a hereditary trait passed on from the maternal side. So if Kim's father, brothers, and/or uncles still have hair, Toby will not have to bare the embarrasment of looking like jeremy. ;-) Jan 15th 2004 06:53:27 AM
kimberly toby will have a bald spot either way. and probably glasses. lets hope he gets aaron's teeth and lack of allergies. Jan 15th 2004 07:04:32 AM
kimberly and beth, didn't you notice at our wedding that my brother rob and jeremy looked like bald bookends? oh, i'm sorry, shaved-head bookends. Jan 15th 2004 07:06:46 AM
Brenda R no lice here! They shoulda done this close up on Saddam! Jan 15th 2004 07:11:59 AM
Admin Doesn't matter what I look like as long as I'm throwing strikes, everything is all gravy. Jan 15th 2004 07:47:44 AM
Beth ohh...that's right..>jeremy and your bro looked alike.....Its good that bald is in. ;-) Jan 15th 2004 08:34:47 AM
Bubby Lani Help me! My kids have come to this. Jeremy thought he was going to have a full head of hair (from the mother's side)alas, it was not to be. Jan 15th 2004 10:09:15 AM
Beth Ok...everyone close their eyes...oh wait...read this first and then close your eyes...visualize Aaron bald like Jeremy....(now close your eyes) Jan 15th 2004 10:19:49 AM
Scorpio They could hang at the Blue Oyster Bar together Jan 15th 2004 12:52:21 PM
Beth the gay biker bar from Police Academy??? Jan 15th 2004 03:13:09 PM
Abuelo Curiosity question....How did you get two fresh racks in the tenth frame (7/7)? Shouldn't it be 7/1 for a 269 or 7/2 for a 270? Still better than my best of 232. Congratulations! Jan 21st 2004 09:03:52 AM
Admin You get a fresh rack to star the 10th. In my case I got a 7 so there were three pins left. The next ball, I spared, so as a bonus, I was given another fresh rack and bowled another 7, so the line would read 7 - spare - 7. Wait, when you mention fresh racks, we are talking about bowling, right? Jan 22nd 2004 06:00:15 AM