Picture of the Day for 01-30-2004
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I'll bet you are all tired of pictures of ooooober-cute Toby, so today we are going back to the roots of the POD. Here is what happens if you make patients wait for their release from the hospital.
User Comment Entry Date
Bubby Lani My favorite picture of the "goofy" Aaron. This is a proud moment for the father. Jan 30th 2004 06:23:48 AM
kimberly how many times do i have to tell you? a sphygmomanometer is not a toy. Jan 30th 2004 12:58:07 PM
Admin It's cutting off my blood supply Jan 30th 2004 03:52:48 PM
kimberly and making your pupils pop out. Jan 31st 2004 09:21:26 AM