Picture of the Day for 01-09-2004
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You think celebrity poker is exciting, wait till you get a load of beer swillin' moon!
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Beth Oh lord...I'm married to the one in the middle???? Jan 9th 2004 10:57:34 AM
kimberly not a proud moment for me either beth. Jan 9th 2004 11:07:51 AM
cat I am a bit more satisfied with John than yesterday's POD Jan 9th 2004 12:33:32 PM
Beth Scary how all the wives are checking out the POD...is it because of fear?? Jan 9th 2004 01:37:17 PM
kimberly i always check to see what horrible photo of me he might have posted. Jan 9th 2004 01:51:54 PM
Beth Has he ever posted a good picture? Jan 9th 2004 02:05:53 PM
Anne Kim, Aaron!! It's Anne...you may remember me from such films as "Fun with Fireworks" & "Ryan and Aaron Drank Too Much" What is your email? I can't wait to talk to you guys! Jan 9th 2004 02:14:30 PM
cat At least we get documentation of what the husbands are up to. It leaves little to the imagination and a lot to be desired; don't you think? Jan 9th 2004 03:53:18 PM
Beth True Cat.....at least you know they are not up to any shinnigans....beer and bones.....that's a good night for them! Jan 9th 2004 04:09:26 PM
Admin Lot's of action today on the POD. First of all, if the misses wants her photos up on the POD so bad I'll guess, I'll have to dedicate a whole week to photos of her. Secondly, I like photos of Glenn and The Traweek because they make me laugh. Lastly, I don't put my email address on the site so those robots can't spam me. If you want to reach me by email use my user name followed by an @aaronwine.com. Hugs. Jan 9th 2004 05:38:40 PM
Admin BTW, I'm surprised The Traweek or Scorpio hasn't chimmed in yet. Jan 9th 2004 05:39:32 PM
Nathan I'm amazed you can grip 4 domino's so well with a crippled finger. The pain must have been excruciating Jan 11th 2004 09:52:25 AM
Admin Liquid courage, my man, liquid courage. Actually, this picture was taken well before the broken finger. Jan 12th 2004 07:18:09 AM
JWine You need p0rn. In other news, Muscle Accurate is in the NY area and we're gonna hang out. What do you think we should do? Jan 12th 2004 08:23:07 AM
Scorpio Do what we did on the night of this photo: drink some beer, play some dominoes, spotlight for opossums, then pass out in the country. Good idea! Jan 12th 2004 12:41:26 PM
Admin I gather there are no possums in new york to spot light. I guess you could spot light some bums. That might get you into some legal trouble though. Give Muscle A a big ol' hug from me. Jan 12th 2004 06:05:00 PM