Picture of the Day for 10-15-2004
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Kimberly took the day off to take Toby to his nine month checkup. How perfect that she picked a really nice day to take off. This is what I came home to from work.
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kimberly ok, for those of you who are trying to guess his weight at 1 year, he now weighs 21lbs, 3 oz. and is 29 inches long. and except for daycare germs, he is healthy and right on track developmentally. and lots of fun!! Oct 15th 2004 07:29:28 AM
Aunti Di If you lived in Iowa, you wouldn't be laying outside like that. You would freeze. Enjoy. Oct 15th 2004 11:08:37 AM
toby & his mom toby says: //; 88888888//////////////; jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj cccccc j hmmm, must be some kind of code. Oct 15th 2004 04:08:42 PM
Bubby lani Kim, Aaron did a nice job on this picture, You both look Great! Oct 15th 2004 06:48:44 PM
Admin And me taking a picture without trying to get my nose in it. Oct 16th 2004 05:21:58 AM
momma h this is a great pic, admin. And, Aunt Diane is so right about the weather compared to Iowa. Toby's mom made some smart choices. Oct 16th 2004 03:21:27 PM
bubbymarg What a beautiful picture of Mummy and Toby. That is one for the memory book. Oct 18th 2004 04:46:46 PM