Picture of the Day for 10-19-2004
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Toby turned nine months old yesterday. He can feed himself now. That's pretty cool.
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aunty beth just like daddy.... Oct 19th 2004 11:06:28 AM
momma h Toby, your Iowa great grandparents are telling me to make you a bib with a hood. Can you believe it ? Oct 20th 2004 06:00:24 PM
Barb Those grandparents in Iowa need to buy that kid some toys, so he doesn't have to play with his food. Oct 20th 2004 09:13:22 PM
kimberly oh, no beth! this kid has waaaay too many toys. what he needs from the grandparents is just lots of love and visits!!! Oct 21st 2004 06:57:00 AM
Peaches Do U take Toby out to the backyard and hose him off when he's done? He-He! Guess this is what I have to look forward to. Natalie is 4 mos. Oct 21st 2004 02:13:21 PM
bubbymarg Well, food is fun to play with when you don't feel like eating any more. Pretty soon he will be writing his name on the tray. Love, Bubby Margaret Oct 24th 2004 07:25:24 AM