Picture of the Day for 10-21-2004
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Sad day on the POD today. POD favorite buffet eater Eddie is off to work for some ultra secret company in D.C. I had lunch with him yesterday to see him off. Usually, I'm happy when someone moves away from Austin, because traffic has one less person on the road, but this was one commuter I'm really going to miss. Good luck Eddie and may the buffet be with you.
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Cal The guy is a world class carnivore.You can send him a chicken fried steak on his birthday so he won't forget Austin. We'll miss his appetite. Oct 21st 2004 10:45:24 AM
Lani Eddie, I was looking forward to buying a second turkey for you for Thanksgiving. We'll miss you. Oct 21st 2004 05:00:27 PM
Glenn Since Eddie won't be there can I have the turkey? Oct 27th 2004 01:51:11 PM