Picture of the Day for 10-27-2003
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My website had a good moment this past Saturday. I went to another Aggie game this weekend and you get to know some of the people who get season tickets around you. Well, the people in front of me mentioned my picture of the day. I forget their name as I'm usually drunk by kickoff, but I'm sure they'll forgive me. Today's picture is dedicated to the people who check the POD daily. Here are the season ticket holders in front of us and many thanks for putting up with us.
User Comment Entry Date
Alton Prihoda The good-looking one (in my lap, as it was so crowded at the OSU game) is Mary. She is the good sport who thinks Aaron is funny. I just think he is a good Ag, who makes life in Section 102 a little more enjoyable -- usually! Oct 27th 2003 09:19:39 AM
The Traweek At least Chad didn't spill nachos on them this time around... No comments as to our performance at the game... Oct 27th 2003 02:50:29 PM
no nickname I only spilled them because you bumped my arm! I'm sticking to hot dogs from now on. Oct 27th 2003 03:10:03 PM
Ryan You may want to have your camera serviced. The color is off. Their burnt orange shirts look eerily maroon. Oct 27th 2003 05:08:33 PM
Admin I thought our performance was quite good. I had a couple of zingers, the Traweek wobbled a bit, Chad had to take over three seats worth of yelling. We did good. However, one of the dangers to having anyone enter in comments is that sometimes an orange blood gets on and leaves a disturbing comment. Oct 27th 2003 06:18:34 PM
Mary WOW!! This has got to be one of the most exciting moments of my life!! Not only to be chosen for the Picture of the Day, but to receive FIVE comments, I am speechless! Oct 29th 2003 04:55:48 PM
Admin Be careful. I think that Alton guy likes you..... Oct 29th 2003 09:05:15 PM