Picture of the Day for 10-28-2004
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Yesterday was the costume contest at our office. I lost to Okra helmet head as most creative and green hairspray girl as most scariest. What were these judges thinking? I think it was collusion. I demand a recount.
User Comment Entry Date
Auntie Di Face it Aaron, horn's are in this year. Oct 28th 2004 12:31:47 PM
beth what are you anyway? Oct 28th 2004 01:50:06 PM
admin I'm an aging stunt daredevil Oct 28th 2004 02:48:13 PM
Mom like the hair, but try to shave when you go to work. Oct 29th 2004 08:57:38 AM
Admin C'mon, I'm a programmer. I'm supposed to be a dork. Oct 29th 2004 04:15:02 PM
kimberly you look like harpo marx. Oct 29th 2004 09:17:05 PM