Picture of the Day for 10-29-2003
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Darren is soooooo busted on this photo. I think he's actually trying to pick out the color of the underwear of that girl about 30 feet away.
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Admin Too bad she isn't old enough to drink. Oct 29th 2003 07:20:33 AM
Glenn You act as if getting a girl drunk is Darren's only way to seduce a girl. Don't forget his other skills: lying, sedatives, and knot making come to mind. Oct 29th 2003 12:50:30 PM
vickiewine hey arron i just figured out how to use this computer so i am getting a kick out of seeing all the pix vickie Oct 29th 2003 07:50:49 PM
Admin Vickie is in the house!!! I tried calling you but your number has changed. I'll try another number. Oct 29th 2003 09:09:34 PM