Picture of the Day for 10-04-2004
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Some really good things happened to me this weekend. First I scored a goal in soccer. That's always fun. Secondly, they put me on the jumbotron at the A&M game (which we won). I got to use about 5 seconds of my 15 minutes. So in a totally unrelated photo, here is Toby sticking a bowl on his head.
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aunty beth You can tell when Aaron is in charge of the baby and Kim is gone... Oct 4th 2004 02:30:20 PM
Admin Ha! Kimberly totally took this picture and I was out of the area. She's so busted. Oct 4th 2004 05:11:09 PM
Aunt Nancy I love this picture. Was there anything in the bowl, other than Toby's face? Oct 4th 2004 06:12:19 PM
kimberly toby was totally supervised during this exploration of the "safe cupboard" filled with non-glass bowls and tupperware. there was nothing in the bowl. aaron lets him climb into the dog cages, so you can berate him for that. Oct 4th 2004 06:44:45 PM