Picture of the Day for 10-06-2004
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Here's a cute one of Toby for the legions of Toby fans out there.
User Comment Entry Date
kimberly he now knows what the word ball means, and tries to say it, but doesn't get the b part yet. he fetches the ball better than the pups do. Oct 6th 2004 07:41:46 AM
aunty beth just wait. until aaron teaches him to fetch beer. I think Jacob was 9 months old when he learned that trick. Oct 6th 2004 08:07:40 AM
Admin Like I'm going to share my beer with him. Sheesh. Oct 6th 2004 08:50:41 AM
Bubby Lani This picture definitely makes my day! Oct 6th 2004 11:03:35 AM
Admin My spawn makes your day. Oct 6th 2004 12:14:39 PM
Auntie Di This is the best. What a sweetie Oct 6th 2004 12:18:50 PM
Margaret He is one happy baby, must get a lot of love. Love you all, Bubbymarg Oct 8th 2004 05:02:59 PM