Picture of the Day for 10-08-2004
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I think Toby is saying here, "buy me more toys, grandparents."
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kimberly i think he saying, "come visit me, grandparents" Oct 8th 2004 07:01:05 AM
Auntie Di I would buy this baby anything he wants Oct 8th 2004 10:21:37 AM
Margaret And I am not predjudiced, but I say, What a gorgeous child. Bubbymarg Oct 8th 2004 05:01:44 PM
Cousin Marcia Aaron and Kim this is the greatest picture so far of Toby. He is a bueatiful baby, you should be very proud. Oct 8th 2004 07:28:39 PM
Aunt Nancy Look at those eyes! Oct 8th 2004 11:02:16 PM
Bubby Lani I've been carrying this picture around and showing it to everyone I know! Oct 10th 2004 08:49:58 AM
momma h Late to comment - because I'm looking for T'giving flight times and stuff for Toby. Oct 12th 2004 05:34:17 PM
Admin WooHoo!!! Coming in for Toby's first Thanksgiving. I can't wait to show him my favorite holiday. Toby was really saying how much he wants stuff to be given to his Daddy. Oct 12th 2004 06:36:35 PM
kimberly no, he said he wants his daddy to stuff it. hooray for thanksgiving with the family!!! Oct 13th 2004 07:04:26 AM
Dawn - DeGreasers Aaron - you are right he is a cutie! Awesome blue eyes! Oct 14th 2004 12:48:06 PM
bubbymarg Hi Toby: Bubbymarg loves you, you adorable baby. Love, your great bubby Margaret Oct 18th 2004 04:59:26 PM
Glenn Cute kid. Too bad about those ears though. Oct 26th 2004 07:13:56 PM