Picture of the Day for 11-24-2004
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Toby is gearing up for his first Thanksgiving. Grandpa Steve came into town. Here is a picture of Grandpa Steve incognito and a confused Toby. By the way, I picked out Toby's very handsome outfit.
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Auntie Di Oh my, is all that rain down there making grandpa's hair grow? Nov 24th 2004 08:24:14 AM
Kate Never mind the hair situation, did Toby look in the mirror before he got dressed this morning?! Nov 25th 2004 09:16:31 AM
Nathan 'Super Hero Outfit Consultant' Still Of course he looked in the mirror before he got dressed. He is wearing a classic superhero outfit and looks like he could take on any bad guy. What you fail to see is the super cape hanging behind him that finishes the whole ensemble. Nov 25th 2004 10:29:45 AM
Glenn still needs a glittery moto-cross helmet. He could be Polar von Arctic's sidekick, Chilly Willy, defending the world from their nemesis, Anti-Freeze. Nov 25th 2004 06:00:19 PM