Picture of the Day for 11-03-2004
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Here is Grandpa Cal's all out costume and set up for Halloween. He was sitting off to the side of the door so that when trick or treaters would come up, he would say, "over here". One little princess told her sibling that he wasn't scary because he had candy. I tend to agree.
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glenn Cal needs to eat something - and put on some clothes. Who's the dude in the black gown? Nov 3rd 2004 12:29:14 PM
Bubby Lani Not sure which one I'm married to. Nov 3rd 2004 01:45:31 PM
Admin When the both of them look at you, figure out which one has the boner. Nov 3rd 2004 02:02:44 PM
Glenn Cal is kind of looking like Al Bundy with his hand in his pants. Nov 5th 2004 10:31:30 AM
bubbymarg How did the kids react to Cal? What about Toby and the dogs? Love, Nov 5th 2004 06:59:33 PM