Picture of the Day for 11-04-2004
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Guest picture day. This one comes in all the way from England. Here is THE HULK (also known as Zac). When this little guy talks, he'll sound different from Toby even though they will still be speaking roughly the same language. I hope they still like us in England.
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bubbymarg Toby has some very handsome friends doesn't he. Nov 8th 2004 05:54:54 PM
Zac's 'handsome' Father And Toby's handsome friend has a very handsome father. Nov 9th 2004 05:39:42 AM
Admin I can attest to Zac's father's handsomeness. Here's a previous POD of two of the most handsome men on the earth. We're so good looking that we need a fancy police escort in Denmark to keep the ladies off of us. LINK Nov 9th 2004 08:56:48 AM
kimberly he is very very cute!! i hope he and toby can meet some day. actually, i wish they could be neighbors. Nov 4th 2004 06:47:53 AM
Zac's mum Are you sure? We're republicans ... (just kidding!) Nov 4th 2004 07:10:50 AM
Bubby Lani Don't know who Zac's mum is, but he sure is cute. Nov 4th 2004 02:19:02 PM
Zac's Alleged Father We're not sure who his dad is either!!! Nov 5th 2004 02:10:36 AM
Nathan Maybe now Bush is back in you have ample enough reason to come live in England. Mind you we are just presided over by his lap dog anyway so it won't be much different Nov 5th 2004 02:12:28 AM
Admin I hope you know, we're Blair people. Nov 5th 2004 05:37:04 AM
beth Please excuse my husband...as you can tell, he is delirious from taking care of our menstruating dog, a sick daughter and among other things...he is still in transition to the menial life of being a housewife...ooops...i mean house husband....i think he is hitting the cooking sherry pretty early in the morning now... Nov 5th 2004 12:24:44 PM
kimberly glenn, it is americans who desecrate the english language, not the brits. just ask 10 americans what descrate means. Nov 7th 2004 01:45:58 PM
Texas Stud Just ask 10 art teachers to spell "desecrate." Nov 8th 2004 12:01:40 AM
Admin Wasn't Descrate the French math philosopher? Nov 8th 2004 06:13:06 AM
Glenn I think it is just a fancy word for going number 2. Nov 8th 2004 07:15:38 AM