Picture of the Day for 11-05-2004
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A couple of weeks ago I took Toby to his first liquor store. Here is a picture of that momentious occasion.
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aunty beth the choices....the choices.... Nov 5th 2004 07:46:57 AM
Zac's mum "No-one said anything about a scary monster! Oh no, it's ok, it's daddy!" Nov 5th 2004 09:47:35 AM
kimberly $24.99 for a shiraz?? 2001 wasn't even a good year for shiraz. i prefer formula. it tastes like paper. great for washing down little pieces of the books i eat. Nov 5th 2004 11:40:14 AM
Admin He's not scared or has sticker shock. He was amazed at all the "juices" you can have when you are an adult. Nov 5th 2004 12:41:42 PM
Abuelo There is something inherently wrong with this picture. It reminds me of Back to the Future when Marty says to his uncle as a baby in a crib "Get used to those bars" Nov 5th 2004 03:39:54 PM
bubbymarg What color is his hair? He really looks interested in those juices, and adorable. Love Nov 5th 2004 06:55:04 PM