Picture of the Day for 12-01-2004
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Toby, Thanksgiving is about grubbing. Here's a picture moments after everyone sat down to the table.
User Comment Entry Date
Glenn Where's the creamed herring? Dec 1st 2004 07:04:22 AM
Admin That got scarfed down before the picture was taken. Dec 1st 2004 07:47:38 AM
Glenn Why is your wine glass empty? Dec 1st 2004 10:24:12 AM
Admin I couldn't have wine with the painkillers. Vikoden and booze don't mix unless you are an abuser. BTW, why do doctors prescribe half a years worth of painkillers for something I'll only need for a week at most? Dec 1st 2004 11:04:12 AM
glenn only the awesome ones do that... Dec 1st 2004 12:46:39 PM