Picture of the Day for 12-13-2004
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Toby got to open up some presents this weekend due to the festival of lights. He was a tad bit interested in what was going on. And yes, he and I have matching shirts on.
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Abuelo And matching bellys ;-) Dec 13th 2004 10:33:04 AM
Admin hey, I've lost some weight this past month. I'm down to 182. I even had a salad today. Maybe I should get one of those pedometers I keep hearing about. Dec 13th 2004 01:50:02 PM
kimberly you have one, on your messy desk, under piles of junk. i offer up a pedometer challenge. i bet i walk twice as much as you on a work day. do you accept the challenge? Dec 13th 2004 02:10:42 PM
Admin Teachers are lazy. The only problem with the pedometer challenge is that you'll cheat by walking around in circles all day or doing the mashed potato Dec 13th 2004 03:10:37 PM
Bubby Lani Well since I was buying pedometers for the family, guess I don't have to buy one for Aaron, since he has one on his desk. Family challenge - Jeremy will win. Dec 13th 2004 03:38:43 PM
beth Chance had a pedometer from school. They want the school children to walk and not be fat. Because San Antonio is the fattest city (aaron, you will fit in here). Chance pinned his pedomter to the dog's collar. The Coaches think that Chance walks over 50,000 steps a day. And they think he has fleas. Dec 13th 2004 03:46:33 PM
Glenn He probably does. Hey Admin. That salad you ate - was it potato salad? Dec 13th 2004 03:58:23 PM