Picture of the Day for 12-15-2003
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We had a baby shower at our house this weekend. Good times were had by all who attended. Today's picture is of Kimberly wearing a bow and opening presents.
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JWine Whoah, who gave you Shiner Bock? They're coming to my baby shower. Dec 15th 2003 12:36:10 PM
Bethie Oh please...its not a baby shower in Texas unless there is a lot of BEER. BTW..we gave them an ant farm for junior. Dec 15th 2003 03:20:36 PM
Admin Ant farm picture will be coming up this week. What a cool baby present. Dec 15th 2003 06:08:19 PM
momma h I do try to keep up and yet I've missed something quite important. Jeremy is having a baby !!?? Dec 16th 2003 05:49:29 PM
kimberly no mom, but i'm sure he would try to if it would get him free beer. Dec 17th 2003 06:14:49 PM
Admin Jeremy would have a baby shower if it got him attention. I'm suspecting he photoshopped some fire pictures to get some more, "awww, Jeremy" time. I'll post a picture tomorrow of what he "claims" was his fire. Dec 18th 2003 07:23:45 AM