Picture of the Day for 12-16-2004
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Here is mister ear infection climbling up a slide. By having to stay home with him today, I'm missing free Salt Lick BBQ at work.
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aunty beth Welcome to the parenting world! I hope Toby gets better soon! Dec 16th 2004 05:52:49 AM
Admin I think this is a good picture of Kimberly. Isn't she always saying why can't she take a good picture? If you just act naturally, you'll take nice photos. Look at all the photos I'm in. Dec 16th 2004 06:07:25 AM
Glenn I was going to write the same thing about Kim but I don't thing it is "looking natural". I think it is "smiling." EIther way, she looks good. Dec 16th 2004 06:15:23 AM
kimberly wow! i like this one too! as for my smiling problem, but i'll just say this: 5 years of braces. Dec 16th 2004 06:19:16 AM
Auntie Di I love this picture. Can't wait to see you two soon. Dec 16th 2004 08:31:57 AM
aunty beth I think she looks great all the time! In this picture...she has the motherly look...complete adoration for that little boy. Complete joy that only a child can bring. Dec 16th 2004 09:04:08 AM
JWine Or a plate of bacon Dec 20th 2004 02:14:38 PM
kimberly mmmm....bacon Dec 20th 2004 03:37:46 PM
Admin Or a buffet with all you can eat bacon. Dec 21st 2004 05:41:53 AM