Picture of the Day for 12-08-2004
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You must think that this mom must be so proud of her two sons.
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Beth at least you both have your shirts on...your not holding a real beer...and you don't have pigs and goats running through your house...she loves you! Dec 8th 2004 08:06:05 AM
Glenn She is sure to keep her hand to herself. No telling where you two have been. I guess she's proud - at least neither of you is urinating on the other. Dec 8th 2004 08:52:58 AM
Glenn What did you blur out on her shirt? Was it a pot leaf? I bet she was wearing her "High Times" sweatsuit. Does the back read "Leagalize it?" Dec 8th 2004 10:45:18 AM
Admin haha, Mom's on the chronic... Dec 8th 2004 08:03:16 PM
Glenn A little habit she picked up from her days hangin' with Sly and the Family Stone. Dec 9th 2004 11:26:01 AM
Bubby Lani Glenn, don't you forget anything? Dec 9th 2004 05:31:30 PM
Admin Glenn cherishes every moment with his favorite Bubby Dec 9th 2004 06:39:59 PM