Picture of the Day for 12-09-2004
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It's Grandpa Steve showing off his bowl of brats.
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Glenn Cajun-style! Dec 9th 2004 11:25:05 AM
JWine Ummm.... Dec 9th 2004 12:42:41 PM
Auntie Di No burnt. Dec 9th 2004 01:22:44 PM
gpa steve I cannot claim credit for this fine offering. Master Chef Admin was in charge of creating this grand culinary delight...I merely carried the bowl. Dec 9th 2004 03:57:07 PM
Gourmet Glenn I can't believe you guys let Admin cook for you. I saw that guy order and eat a sardine and fried egg sandwich. Together we made octopus k-bobs and I witnessed him boil a 3 pound octopus. Nasty. We were even going to open a restaurant called "Disgustos." I admit that I'm not much of a chef but I should have warned y'all about Admin's notorious culinary creations. Dec 10th 2004 01:21:58 PM
Admin Disgusto's is not a bad idea. We might still have to pull that one off. Maybe when we retire from our day jobs. Dec 10th 2004 03:27:17 PM