Picture of the Day for 02-10-2004
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This is Unkee Jeremy's first time hold a baby. He was a little bit nervous. Escpeciallly since I told Toby I would give him $5 to take a crap on Unkee Jeremy's lap. 'Amy', Jeremy's 'Friend', looks on with 'jealousy'.
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JWine Dats a my nephew! And 2 bonus points for succesfully evading what was deemed "the fullest diaper yet" diaper change. Feb 10th 2004 05:58:36 AM
Ryan That is a beautiful child my friends. Congratulations on having a healthy boy. Feb 10th 2004 08:46:45 AM
mhansen a great pic and Toby has two new friends/fans ! ! Feb 10th 2004 03:24:41 PM
brenda Check out that stunning woman on the right, looking on! Wowsers! Feb 10th 2004 03:35:57 PM
Admin Is that my right or Jeremy's right? Either way I agree. Feb 11th 2004 04:47:00 AM
scorpio again, nice underside to your counter Feb 12th 2004 09:50:32 AM