Picture of the Day for 02-06-2004
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Here is our baby doctor. He wasn't on call the night Toby was born so one of his partners cut Toby out. We really like Dr. Bushart and will take all 7 of our future pregnancies to him.
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Auntie Di Oh my what does Kim have to say about that? 7 ? Feb 6th 2004 05:45:53 AM
Scorpio Your hair makes you look like a Cupie doll. Feb 6th 2004 06:47:31 AM
kimberly as long as aaron is pregnant with 5 of them, that's fine. Feb 6th 2004 06:50:18 AM
kimberly you can see why aaron likes dr buz, he's already trying to get toby to "pull my finger". Feb 6th 2004 06:51:47 AM
Bubby Lani Love this picture of all three of them. One happy crew! Feb 6th 2004 12:41:31 PM
Admin Toby doesn't have a chance.... Feb 11th 2004 04:48:51 AM