Picture of the Day for 02-09-2004
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Guess who came into town this weekend to hang with the Tobster? Unk-ee Jeremy!!!!! He also had a new friend to show off. We'll call her 'Amy'. Here is a picture of Unkee Jeremy, 'Amy', and the protangonist at Chuy's for dinner. (Sidebar: Do you think 'Amy' knows what she's gotten herself into?)
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Peaches Go Jeremy... After all, The Tobster does need a cousin to play with. Feb 9th 2004 07:11:15 AM
kimberly well if meeting us didn't scare her off, comments like that might. don't ruin it, we like her. Feb 9th 2004 05:29:47 PM
Admin I was just told yesterday that I misspelled protagonist. I decided to leave it in there as I am someone who likes to drink orange flavored drinks. Feb 10th 2004 05:50:45 AM
kimberly you need a spell check. ecspeciallly. Feb 10th 2004 07:32:29 AM
JWine I'm a vicious Mackdaddy. Chix up and down the Mississippi are weeping in despair. Feb 11th 2004 09:39:08 AM
Admin Why are they weeping? Fear? Feb 11th 2004 12:16:04 PM
scorpio no cure. Feb 12th 2004 09:48:49 AM