Picture of the Day for 03-26-2004
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Well, well, well, guess who came into town. None other than GRANDPA STEVE!!!!! Here he is seeing and holding oooober cute Toby for the first time. I think Toby is saying, "Let the power of my oooober cuteness make you buy me toys....."
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kimberly and by the way, toby was not asleep, just blinking. he really loves his grandpa! Mar 26th 2004 03:57:37 AM
Auntie Di The boys at lunch will love this one. Mar 26th 2004 05:49:25 AM
Aunt Nancy What a great picture! Mar 29th 2004 04:54:15 PM
Aunt Nancy What a great picture! Mar 29th 2004 05:01:30 PM
Aunt Nancy What a great picture! Mar 29th 2004 05:07:17 PM