Picture of the Day for 03-30-2001
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There is a story behind this one, but the main plot is that I'm marching with Nathan and the Royal Danish National Guard in my pajamas. They didn't loan us one of their guns with bayonette afixed.
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Admin I really thought that one of them was going to use his bayonette on us. He had real shifty eyes. I think I could of taken him, but I doubted that Nathan could of taken care of the other 20. May 5th 2003 09:42:41 AM
JWine What did we do after this? Go get those weird little breakfast sandwiches? May 20th 2003 11:59:12 AM
Nathan It was either breakfast sandwhiches or get drunk. Didn't we go to that Museum with the photograpy exhibition, man that was depressing. Aug 29th 2003 10:37:01 AM
Admin What do you mean get drunk? I was still drunk from the old school 20 hour binge from the night/day before. I think we had sandwiches. The depressing photos were another day. If you ever get depressed by photos at another place, please come to the POD to chear up. Sep 1st 2003 10:11:08 AM
Nathan The Royal Danish Guards kept following us but after a laugh and a joke they realised we weren't the Royal Princesses after all and therefore marched off in search of a hearty breakfast. Apr 15th 2003 11:31:05 AM