Picture of the Day for 03-03-2004
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Today is bowling day. Last week we qualified for the end of year roll off in our league by placing 2nd for the trimester. Here is Walter, who is a very good bowler, heaping praise at the bowling alley bar. At least, I think it's Walter. He's got a brother named Donnie whom I always get him confused with. BTW, for you Toby fans out there, Toby crashed thru the night for the first time giving mom some much needed sleep.
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Peaches Yeah Toby! That's encouraging news for future parents. BTW, we will find out the sex of our baby next week. Mar 3rd 2004 07:01:11 AM
Glenn You can tell Walter is a terrific bowler. Just look at the way he shows off his hand for the photo opportunity. Mar 3rd 2004 01:40:58 PM