Picture of the Day for 03-08-2004
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I got peed on THREE times this past week. So today's picture is to show Toby how to actually pee without hitting a person.
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toby's mom don't worry folks, i'll teach toby not to smoke, and not to drink while using the restroom. super gross! Mar 8th 2004 06:24:15 AM
Peaches Oh my GAWD!!! Thank goodness for Kim. Mar 8th 2004 06:52:49 AM
JWine Beer goes in, pee comes out. The very model of efficiency. Mar 8th 2004 06:55:49 AM
Bubby Lani I'm appalled... Mar 8th 2004 03:31:21 PM
Gord (Trawna) Is that an example of "stand-up comedy?" Mar 8th 2004 05:08:01 PM
Hozer sad thing is that I recognize the bathroom. Highland lanes? Mar 10th 2004 08:49:05 PM