Picture of the Day for 03-09-2004
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A few people were disturbed by yesterdays photo so I am going to balance out the ying and the yang with today's picture. Here is the dynamic ooooober cute duo of myself and Toby singing songs with a cast of stuffed animals. In no particular order are Mustache Dog, Mr. Chicken, Toby, Mr. Duck, Me, and Blue Bear.
User Comment Entry Date
Peaches Cute! You both have the same expression. Mar 9th 2004 07:45:31 AM
Glenn nice carpet. Mar 9th 2004 09:27:51 AM
Marsha Chesnut WOW you look a like!! Mar 9th 2004 11:09:46 AM
Admin wha??? We are both bald??? Glenn-that's not carpet, thats a bed spread. Peaches- Well, which is it? a boy or a girl? Or twins? Mar 9th 2004 12:45:23 PM
aunty beth like father...like son? poor kim...lets hope toby only pees on daddy and not any siblings :-) Mar 9th 2004 04:01:57 PM
kimberly lets all give aaron kudos for being toby's entertainment when he is fussy! he's a good dad, despite the urinal photo. Mar 10th 2004 08:10:37 AM
mhansen Hey Dad, the stuffed animals are superfluous. He's looking at you--his entertainment --and his idol? Mar 10th 2004 01:52:24 PM
Admin as much as I wish it so, he's definitely playing with the animals Mar 11th 2004 02:54:07 AM