Picture of the Day for 04-15-2004
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Toby offers up some Zen philosophy. Don't let the snake attack you. Grab it by it's tail and bite it back.
User Comment Entry Date
JWine Woo! Go snake of life! Apr 15th 2004 05:23:42 AM
Peaches What a cutie pie! Apr 15th 2004 08:54:41 AM
Bubby Lani Looks like he's talking up a storm. Makes me smile just looking at him. Apr 15th 2004 03:29:09 PM
Cousin Marcia Canada Hi Aaron and Kim,Toby is just gorgeous, I check everyday for a picture to see how much he has grown. I know Bubby is having a great time talking about him. Apr 15th 2004 05:09:30 PM
scorpio Didn't something like this happen to Hercules as a baby? Hercules! Hercules! Hercules! Apr 19th 2004 09:28:50 AM
Admin ooooh, thats a great name for a baby. Why didn't you come up with that on the baby naming picture thread? Apr 20th 2004 04:16:40 AM
Halemor He is so cute!! By the way my Edvard has the same snake! From IKEA right? But I bought in Norway. Funny :) Apr 27th 2004 02:22:12 AM
JWine That is indeed the Ikea snake. So soft and cuddly. Toby's also got the Ikea frogware. Apr 27th 2004 09:47:58 AM