Picture of the Day for 04-02-2004
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This is one of those you guess the captions. Winner gets an autographed limited edition I met ooooober cute Toby picture.
User Comment Entry Date
Auntie Di Grandpa I don't want another beer, I want my milk. Apr 2nd 2004 05:12:42 AM
Aunty Beth I can't believe that Aaron is my DAD!!!!!! WHY ME??? WHY ME??? WHAAAAA!!!!! Apr 2nd 2004 05:13:02 AM
Aunty Beth Did you read my shirt? It says "Don't make me call GRANDMA!" DO YOU UNDERSTAND?? GRANDMA!!!! Apr 2nd 2004 05:14:11 AM
Captain Cool Get your hand out of there! Apr 5th 2004 09:42:46 AM
Admin Pretty lame with only four entrants from three people. I'll announce the winner on the ninth. Apr 6th 2004 04:16:05 AM
G-dawg I never got the autographed photo from the last one I won. Toby is apparently upset about that. Apr 6th 2004 09:12:14 AM
Camdog Mmm...Freebirds. Apr 6th 2004 11:45:21 AM
momma h (contest entry) Ok, so on top of everything else, the shirt is defective--I ask you...Do you see Grandma taking my side here? Apr 6th 2004 05:58:27 PM
Nathan eeeurgh, Grandpa have you done something in your trousers? Apr 7th 2004 09:00:17 AM
Nathan Toby tries to demonstrate his fliptop head trick Apr 7th 2004 09:02:16 AM
Nathan No matter how big Toby said the 'one that got away' was, Grandpa just wasn't into fishing stories. "No really it was this big" Apr 7th 2004 09:04:49 AM
gp steve Hey, all I said was some day this hairline will be yours! Apr 8th 2004 06:43:41 PM
momma h Sorry Nathan, G'pa Steve's entry may have trumped us all. Poor Toby--if not the Hansen hairline, then Aaron's... Apr 10th 2004 09:14:03 AM
kimberly you should see the whacky hairdo toby has going now, i call it the mohawk-mullet. Apr 10th 2004 02:45:20 PM
Nathan NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I wanted to win, oh cruel fate, why do you mock me so? Aaron, hurry up and announce the winner. The suspense is killing me! Apr 11th 2004 07:56:18 AM
Admin So many good choices.... In third place, Beth's Grandma shirt entry, In second place, Nathan's fish story and the winner, Grandpa Steve's Hairline line. Congratulations go to all. Apr 12th 2004 11:03:09 AM
Nathan I demand a re-count Apr 13th 2004 08:30:22 AM
Admin This isn't American politics here. There will be no recount. Florida has voted for Grandpa Steve with a close Nathan second. Apr 13th 2004 03:23:45 PM