Picture of the Day for 04-23-2004
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There is some symetry going on at our house.
User Comment Entry Date
kimberly hey everyone, toby just rolled over (back to front) all by himself. of course, then he was stuck on his tummy and didn't know what to do. Apr 23rd 2004 09:31:07 AM
Aunty Beth Way to go Toby....I've seen Aaron roll over on his tummy and crawl to the keg...the world is yours now Toby! Apr 23rd 2004 10:21:19 AM
Carina Ahhhh... he is sooo cute. Big smile from sunny Copenhagen! Apr 23rd 2004 03:12:39 PM
Bubby Lani Really cute picture today. Toby rolled over, how clever of him. Hi Corina, hope all is well with you Apr 25th 2004 02:59:42 PM
Greatbubbymarg Mow that is more like it. Both of you and the dog look great. Bubbymarg Apr 28th 2004 05:43:40 PM