Picture of the Day for 04-29-2004
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One of the cool things about being friendly is that you'll never know when you walk into someone's cubical and they have an infrared camera.
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Laurel You appear to be free of sinus congestion today. Apr 29th 2004 07:00:58 AM
Muscle A. Or maybe he is full of congestion..Please settle this pressing issue. Apr 29th 2004 01:17:55 PM
kimberly he's full of something all right, but it ain't congestion. Apr 29th 2004 01:30:49 PM
Bubby Lani That is too cool! A see through son! Apr 29th 2004 03:35:27 PM
Admin Those red and white areas in the head are smartness. The yellow top is funniness. Apr 29th 2004 04:25:32 PM
Dr. Laurel I believe there is a sinus medicine commercial that depicts the congested painful state as red and throbbing and the relieved by medication state in a nice sunny yellow. I git awl ma docterin nawlige from the TV an ma kids is still kickin! Apr 29th 2004 05:34:46 PM
Abuelo Cool shirt....literally Apr 29th 2004 07:50:14 PM
Admin Geesh, the Abuelo is turning into Groucho Marx with his puns. Apr 30th 2004 06:27:22 AM