Picture of the Day for 05-13-2004
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I'm sure the owners of Lego have Glenn and myself in mind when they invented them and design them.
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Aunty Beth I'm sure that the Lego creators never thought that legos and beer would make such a winning combination. Hmmmm...new marketing concept? May 13th 2004 06:08:14 AM
Bubby Lani Very impressive Glenn. May 13th 2004 08:02:53 AM
kimberly it only took him 4 hours. May 13th 2004 08:09:54 AM
scorpio Lani, are you impressed with my Lego creation or in the fact that I am wearing a collared shirt on a weekend - or are you just impressed with me in general? May 13th 2004 11:29:57 AM
Aunty beth What you may not realize is that Jacob actually built that truck. Glenn's fell apart. May 13th 2004 12:56:09 PM
Admin I opened that beer all by myself May 13th 2004 01:58:59 PM
Bubby Lani I thought that looked like Jacob's truck in last week's picture, but wanted Glenn to know I was impressed with him "in general" May 14th 2004 12:02:53 PM
Nathan Aaron, you seem to have grown some hair back. Is there anything that Beer can't do! Jun 22nd 2004 01:47:36 PM