Picture of the Day for 05-18-2004
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You see what I mean about that smily face from the megasaucer? It possessed still oober cute Toby.
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kimberly this one is called "no whammies" May 18th 2004 05:57:14 AM
Bubby Lani Happy 4 month birthday Toby! May 18th 2004 06:36:16 AM
Auntie Di Poor Toby is going to have red eye's his whole life. May 18th 2004 07:37:57 AM
kimberly poor toby got 4 shots today. but the dr. says he is still very healthy and smart (well, ok, i added the smart, but he's developmentally on target) May 18th 2004 01:13:10 PM
mhansen it's his 4 month 'birthday' and what, he gets shots to celebrate?! May 18th 2004 02:44:18 PM