Picture of the Day for 05-19-2004
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Today is my bowling league's roll off. This is where 12 teams that qualified from the year long league roll 3 games for prize money. So in honor of that, here is my bowling team at the bowling alley. It's a dark shot because you are not allowed to use flashes during league.
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Peaches Mmm, Bowling... Nachos, Beer, Urinals... May 19th 2004 12:45:51 PM
Admin That's basically it. I bowled a 617 tonight. I got a 211, a 201, and a 205. Our team finished about 5th. Not too bad. Not too good. beer flowed nicely though. --Peaches, when is your kid due and will the POD get a picture? May 19th 2004 07:18:11 PM
Peaches I'm due July 19th. I should send you a pic of my swelling ankles (ha) I'll definately email a pic of the baby when she's born. May 20th 2004 07:46:08 AM