Picture of the Day for 05-25-2004
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I brushed Superdog the other day because it's time for her springtime shedding and I got about 5 pounds of hair off of her. Too bad I didn't get any depth perception on this shot as it was as tall as it was wide. Today she goes to the vet to get weighed. She's so slim now.
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Su Butler Take that dog hair to a spinner and have it spun into yarn, then woven into a blanket so you can have Superdog cuddling you anytime you choose! 5 lbs would go a long way! May 25th 2004 05:13:33 AM
kimberly if the blanket would smell like superdog, i'd rather not. May 25th 2004 06:48:49 AM
Glenn I know an old lady with a loom. Maybe she could make you a sweater. May 25th 2004 09:02:01 AM
Aunty Beth Hmmm.....I think that the hair is actually from Aaron's back. He just dyed it blond and blamed superdog. I bet all that hair came from the shower. May 25th 2004 11:21:39 AM
scorpio You could make like a hundred bars of "hair soap." May 25th 2004 11:36:45 AM