Picture of the Day for 05-26-2004
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I got to go on a field trip yesterday at work. I got a really cool hard hat and some safety glasses. Here I am at a gas power plant on the turbine floor. These turbines are generating Megawatts. Kind of like my personality. I generate megawatts.
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kimberly megaWHATs is what you mean. May 26th 2004 07:54:45 AM
JWine I believe him. No doubt in my mind he could power a gas turbine. May 26th 2004 08:05:12 AM
Admin no, it's my personality that generates Megawatts. I radiate. BTW, this pictures really shows off my ear wax build up. May 26th 2004 08:41:49 AM
scorpio No dress code, huh? Way to dress for success. May 26th 2004 07:18:09 PM
Admin As a Senior Database Administrator, it is important to wear a hard hat, safety goggles and ear plugs. May 26th 2004 10:41:46 PM
mh You are of course right about your magnetic personality. Amazing there wasn't a power surge during the field trip. May 29th 2004 02:38:13 PM