Picture of the Day for 05-30-2000
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Here I am bored at work. Sometimes, when I'm bored, I stick golf tees in my nose and take pictures of myself and put myself up on the web. This is one of those times.
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Admin I was looking for an old picture and then I stumbled upon this photo. Do you realize that without this photo, there is no Toby and kid to be named later? I hope they someday understand the power of the internet and golf tees. May 22nd 2006 09:55:45 PM
chicos tacos wow i really need to brush up on my birds and the bees. i seem to have forgotten A LOT. May 23rd 2006 05:23:13 AM
Amera maybe it was the crown that got the wifey all hot?!?!? ps. is that a bed in your office? it looks like you have no room! Mar 19th 2007 10:09:57 AM