Picture of the Day for 05-03-2004
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The Tobinator stares intently on the wall of moving things.
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kimberly he can now control his hands well enough to intentionally move that ball around. a week ago, he was just swinging at it. he's amazing! May 3rd 2004 06:01:18 AM
Aunty Beth "ALIENS ARE LOWERING THEMSELVES INTO MY CRIB....AND THEY LOOK LIKE A SOCCER BALL!! Quickly....I need foil to cover my head so they will not invade my thoughts." May 3rd 2004 07:19:48 AM
Admin The aliens have used their lasers to puff my cheeks out. May 3rd 2004 09:55:48 AM
Bubby Lani Beth, now I see why you married Glenn. You have his wierd sense of humor. May 3rd 2004 01:17:37 PM
kevin tech support nice :) May 3rd 2004 10:38:34 PM