Picture of the Day for 05-07-2004
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Well today is full of not so good news. I'm sick. That sucks. Plus, I can't find my camera. I think it's lost. I'll give it another week before I have to find a replacement. Until then, you will have to do with photos I've already downloaded but haven't put up yet. Sorry.
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Cal Post the maj queen pics. I sent 4 May 7th 2004 04:51:46 AM
scorpio Maybe next week can be "guest photographer week." We can send submissions. On Monday you can give a theme for each of the remaining days. For example, Tuesday can be "Plate of food", Wednesday can be "Funky toe", Thursday can be "Food on a stick", and Friday can be "baby eating food". May 7th 2004 11:51:00 AM
kimberly wait scorpio, you forgot a day for "bugger-check" photos. May 7th 2004 01:04:19 PM
JWine I'm in for Tuesday May 7th 2004 02:02:53 PM
gpa steve Get well Aaron! May 7th 2004 05:43:05 PM
fitzle I hope you're not as sick as your backhand. May 7th 2004 06:58:13 PM
Admin believe it or not, but I have literly, hundreds of non-used photos over the years for the POD. I'll have enough to get me through these dark times. May 7th 2004 07:59:32 PM
kimberly i found aaron's camera! May 10th 2004 01:44:06 PM