Picture of the Day for 06-10-2004
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This picture is hilarious. Toby and I were playing catch in Aaron/Tobyland. Notice how fast my hair is falling out now. I hope I get a little tuft of hair that stays alive in the front. I apologize to Toby in advance for the hair genes that I passed down to him. Hopefully my winning personality is genetic.
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Auntie Di looks like there is some hair on the belly waiting for a transplant. Jun 10th 2004 08:33:12 AM
Balding in San Antonio I don't think there is any lack of hair waiting to be transplanted to the head. Afterall he has 2 dogs. Jun 10th 2004 11:40:11 AM
Aunty Beth You realize that having kids make your hair disappear faster don't you? I mean...look at Uncle Glenn! Jun 10th 2004 01:02:42 PM
Peaches No come overs, please. Jun 10th 2004 08:14:51 PM
Admin I think I should start wearing mid-riff shirts. Jun 14th 2004 06:15:33 AM