Picture of the Day for 06-11-2004
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Here's Toby crashed in his car seat. We've already had to upgrade our car seats as he has outgrown them all.
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bubbymarg Hi: I am glad to be able to see his updates, so I won't be too surprised when I see all of you. Love, Bubby Jun 11th 2004 01:15:12 PM
kimberly we are glad too! we're looking forward to our visit. Jun 11th 2004 03:09:05 PM
Bubby Lani Love the prominent warning label on the car seat. Jun 13th 2004 10:27:12 AM
Admin Seems like every piece of kid thing we have has at least 7 different kinds of warnings due to our litigous society. Jun 14th 2004 06:14:50 AM