Picture of the Day for 06-22-2004
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Here's a nice picture of Toby and Grandpa Cal enjoying the tail end of the summer solstice.
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JWine Holy %!#!*%#$!@#@ Toby got old lookin. When the hell did that happen? Jun 22nd 2004 07:07:01 AM
kimberly i think the ralph lauren polo outfit makes him look more mature. that and he's almost sitting up. they grow fast uncee j! Jun 22nd 2004 08:27:59 AM
Aunty Beth aww...he looks so cute! So does Grandpa Cal. They make a good team! Jun 22nd 2004 09:05:51 AM
JWine Looks like he needs a martini and golden retriever. Jun 22nd 2004 09:46:38 AM
kimberly no, I need a martini. or two martinis. or as my mom would say, tee martwonies. Jun 22nd 2004 10:11:32 AM
plagarized from a coozie one tequila, two tequila, three kateela, floor. Jun 22nd 2004 11:38:08 AM
bubby Lani Toby was in a happy mood on Father's day with his grandpa! Jun 22nd 2004 12:17:22 PM
JWine And why not? Grandpa Cal managed to wear an even uglier shirt than the Tobination on such a day. This picture is a ripe candidate for the Hot Studs in Ugly Shirts Calendar. Jun 22nd 2004 02:49:28 PM
Admin don't you mean that Grandpa Cal got old lookin'? Besides, when you are that old, you just don't care about ugly shirts. Jun 22nd 2004 03:32:19 PM
Old Stud Advice to the new stud. It doesn't matter what clothes you wear or the color of your hair but what is in your heart that matters. Jun 23rd 2004 02:42:58 PM
mh A great pic. I'm certain Toby is now able to show his opinion--" I'm with my Abuelo Buddy and I like it" Jun 23rd 2004 05:51:48 PM