Picture of the Day for 06-23-2004
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It's bath time with Toby. One day, I'm sure we'll be showing this picture to a prospective date so I had to cover up the privates so he won't be embarrassed later on. I'm a thoughtful father.
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JWine Good, cause I was thinking of those were his privates you'd have a lot of explaining to do. Jun 23rd 2004 04:17:32 PM
Bubby lani Great job on the cover-up! Jun 23rd 2004 05:32:31 PM
mh if you're thinking you've now prevented his future disapproval of his parental unit's behavior, think again. Jun 23rd 2004 05:42:44 PM
kimberly i'd say this photo will be the least of his worries. it will be explaining his father's costumes to his teachers and girlfriends that he will dread. Jun 23rd 2004 08:05:18 PM