Picture of the Day for 06-07-2004
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This week I'm in Vegas getting some training. The theme this week is Toby pictures. Since Kimberly and Toby are home, I bet they miss me lots already. This is what Toby probably looks right now. Awwwwwww.
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Auntie Di He looks like he is saying. I hope Daddy doesn't spend all our money in Vegas. Jun 7th 2004 11:05:56 AM
Bubbymarg Toby looks as if he doesn't like the taste of real food or the equipment that he is receiving it from. Jun 7th 2004 08:22:22 PM
kimberly that was 2 weeks ago. now he is starting to like the cereal and shoves the spoon into his mouth. Jun 7th 2004 08:24:38 PM
nh Green spoon.....could be a good strategy for getting him to like fruits and vegetables. YES!! Jun 8th 2004 05:12:39 PM