Picture of the Day for 06-09-2003
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With the baby on the way and the other car not so reliable, it's time to sell my convertable. I glossed it up this weekend. If you want it, talk to me. It was a very fun car.
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Beth Time for you to join the SUV club. I hear the Xterra's are popular with you young dads! Jun 9th 2003 09:11:27 AM
JWine Yeah, what are you thiking of getting? Goodbye, little butterbean. We'll miss you. Jun 9th 2003 11:20:50 AM
kimberly suv's have been vetoed! Jun 9th 2003 12:03:06 PM
Admin I've got a heavy lean to getting a Subaru WRX Impreza wagon. Cloth seats and a turbo boost gauge. Jun 9th 2003 01:13:51 PM
anne NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Every baby NEEDS a convertible!!! Jun 9th 2003 04:15:07 PM
JWine Superbaby is going to look back at this picture one day and go, "Dang Dad, you were cool once?" Jun 10th 2003 10:06:55 AM
GPaHansen Good news! Found a cherry Buick Roadmaster, high miles but should be a safe car for superbaby! Jun 10th 2003 04:25:00 PM
berly well gpa hansen, that's fine if it is a 1949-1955 model. otherwise it is just gonna be too ugly. Jun 10th 2003 05:49:27 PM
Admin I think we've missed out on the true gem from Grandpa Hansen's post. Superbaby is a wonderful name for a child. Jun 11th 2003 08:56:52 AM
Bad Bob You should look into the new Subaru Forester with the 2.5L Turbo. A real sleeper. Jun 18th 2003 09:12:27 PM
Admin I test drove the Forrester, but it felt a little too high off the ground. Plus, it didn't have any pickup and you know how I feel about safety. What if I'm on the highway and I need to pass a radioactive 18 wheeler? Jun 20th 2003 01:30:49 PM
Nathan I dont see why you have to get a new car to take Batman (the correct name for the baby, Superbaby is rubbish!) out. You only need two seats, one for you and one for Batman. Surely Kimberley's chain doesn't stretch from the kitchen sink all the way to your driveway. These women wil be wanting the vote next! Aug 29th 2003 10:27:30 AM
Admin Wait till you see my next car. Just got it yesterday. It's a 5 door rocketship. Lil' Batman will be feeling the need for speed. Sep 2nd 2003 05:56:54 PM
Nathan Still ooooh, a rocket ship. Our capes will be able to flap in the wind generated by the afterburners! Sep 3rd 2003 03:39:56 AM
Toyota slave I would get another Toyota if I were you! Jul 15th 2003 05:05:10 PM