Picture of the Day for 07-12-2004
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It is very hard to take a photo of one tooth in a baby. This is the best one of the whole lot and you can barely see the tooth. The angle is bad because the tooth is about a third to halfway up. Still razor sharp.
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Bubby Lani He looks a bit drunk in this picture. Jul 12th 2004 07:41:12 AM
kimberly he now has 2 teeth! Jul 12th 2004 09:09:56 AM
Mamma Cat My, what big eyes you have Toby! A shameless PA: Olivia turned 1 last Thursday...and she is walking...and has 10 teeth...we are so proud! Jul 12th 2004 09:32:40 AM
kimberly HOORAY OLIVIA!! she should have a website too. she is very cute! send us a photo. Jul 12th 2004 09:39:18 AM